Smoking is not only a terrible habit for your health but also expensive, and you can spend a lot of money each month buying cigarettes that end up going up in smoke. Giving up smoking will have significant benefits for your health and your wallet with all the money you can save. There are various cessation aids that you can use to help you quit smoking for good, and these aids all have different costs. Below are some of the average prices for these aids compared to smoking, so you can see how much money you can save when you decide to give up.
The Cost Of Smoking
The price of a pack of cigarettes can vary, depending on the brand you prefer to smoke. However, the lowest price for a pack of cigarettes currently in the UK is over £9 for a pack of 20, with some premium brands costing between £10 and £11 per pack. If you were to smoke 20 cigarettes a day in a year, you would spend around £4000 on the habit, so you can see it is expensive and unhealthy for you.
The Cost Of Nicotine Patches
Nicotine patches are a cessation aid that millions of people have successfully quit smoking using. You only need to use one patch per day, and they are readily available from supermarkets, pharmacies, and online retailers. You typically get one weeks’ worth of patches in a pack, and you can pay between £10-13 per pack. If you take the higher number and average this out for the yea, you will spend £676 per year on your patches, making a significant saving on the cost of smoking cigarettes.
The Cost Of Vaping
Vaping is another cessation aid popular with millions of people worldwide, and the cost of this can vary, depending on the device you use. You can get an excellent starter kit that will cost around £30, and if you are using premium e liquid, this can cost about £4 per 10ml and will last for a few days. You also need to factor in replacement atomisers or coils, depending on the device you use, which can cost around £5 per unit. A rough estimate for the cost of vaping in a year would be about £800, so it is more expensive than nicotine patches but still significantly cheaper than smoking cigarettes.
The Cost Of Nicotine Sprays
Another popular cessation aid is oral nicotine sprays, which you can get at pharmacies and online retailers and are an effective tool to help you quit smoking. The average spray contains 150 doses, and on average, you can take around 40-50 doses a day, depending on how much you smoked. The average price for one of these sprays is around £15, and this will last for about three days, so the cost for this over a year would be around £1800 a year. As you can see, this is much more than the two cessation aids above, but it is still significantly cheaper than smoking cigarettes and much better for your health.