CPS or Child Protective Services is an entity or a team of the Texas department of family and Protective Services. they look after the safety and well-being of people living in Texas. They work with caretakers, families, and most importantly parents taking care of their children. They make sure that your child is growing in a healthy environment.
One of the most common questions that people are concerned about is “Can CPS make you go to rehab?”.
Many parents do get into substance abuse and this is very common. It doesn’t make you a bad parent or an evil one. But what we forget is that when we are under the influence of substance abuse, we tend to put our life of us as well as our kids at risk. Many times it does affect our decision-making skills as well as our parenting skills which get compromised after using drugs or alcohol.
We do know that it is very difficult to come out of this situation so easily as leaving a substance that we are addicted to can sometimes put our health in trouble making it difficult to get rid of it. We can take help from social communities like Detox to Rehabs that can help you get into sobriety if you are looking for one. They are experts who can help you on the path of recovery, make you feel alive, and look into the new future for yourself and your kid.
What is CPS’s involvement in it?
When this case of substance abuse is reported to them, they will intervene in this matter. This is because they want to make sure that you are not placing your kid in any dangerous situation or have abused your kid. They will not work towards your sobriety, but will find every way that you are not harming your kid by interviewing your whole family as well as your kid. You can take the help of your lawyer in case you want a solution to this matter.