Training for children is not primarily about increasing muscle mass. This is reserved for classic bodybuilding – it has no place in the training plan for the little ones. Having fun with movement and trying out coordinative and strengthening movements should be the priority for the kids. The interaction is also significant for the psychosocial development of children and adolescents aged 4 – 16. She teaches the children to assert themselves with their peers. If that is taken away, it could bring them significant problems and setbacks in adult life. In good sports clubs, such things are still best-paid attention to.
Age- and development – appropriate strength and strength endurance training, or sport-specific training paired with stability and coordination exercises, ensures that children feel good about their bodies and mental and psychological well-being. It also prevents injuries and builds important bone substances for later age and upcoming loads. In addition, the entire musculature becomes more efficient and can thus additionally stabilize ligaments and joints.
Gym Or Sports Club? Where And When Is Training For Children Useful?
Training from 16 is recommended for young people in the fitness studio under pedagogical and sports-scientific guidance. Because of the essential opportunities for personal development in a group we recommend that all children and young people join a sports club, Spring Break Camps for kids or participate in family training. If playful elements that require coordination and stability are the main elements, it is also possible to start from six.
Does Strength Training Promote Growth And Muscle Building?
A definite yes. However, it must be pointed out that classic strength training is not recommended for children and is only the right thing for young athletes aged 16 and over who have a strong physical body structure and have been trained in the individual movement sequences through years of training. In addition, exercises for the core muscles of the middle of the body should always be part of the training plan because this area gives the body stability and strength for all movements.
What Dangers Are There For Children And Young People During Training?
The greatest danger is isolating the children from their peers too early and putting too much ambition into the training, thereby overtaxing them mentally and physically. For children between the ages of four and 16, fun, play, and coordination should always be in the foreground because, at this age, essential points are laid for later by dealing with others. And this is best encouraged by good sports clubs.
Of course, there are also dangers for young people in the gym, namely if uncontrolled movements are carried out with heavy weights. Depending on the body’s constitution, skeletal musculature is not fully developed until age 16. Also, bones and ligaments can be damaged by too intensive training stimuli in the maximum strength range.